
Paperback Hero Boomerangs

Explore St George Region / Listings / Attraction / Paperback Hero Boomerangs

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The Boomerangs at Nindigully were originally built for Hugh Jackman’s 1999 film debut, Paperback Hero. Filmed in Nindigully, the Boomerangs were part of the movie’s Boomerang Café set.

While the Nindigully Pub is famous for its annual pig races event and giant road train burgers, few know about its movie history. Writer and director Antony J Bowman chose Nindigully as the perfect setting for his story after exploring New South Wales and Queensland. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the film in 2019, St George artist Barry “Rainman” Boland, a descendant of the Kamilaroi, Yuwulaaraary Euahlayi, and Bigambul nations, restored the Boomerangs to their original glory.

Paperback Hero Boomerangs Gallery


Paperback Hero Boomerangs

Nindigully, Thallon QLD, Australia

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